Would you believe that there is scientific research out there that suggests that there is no such thing as a sugar rush....
I am not sure what to say to this as I have observed severe hyperactivity in both my children after a party or if they have consumed a lot of sugary treats all at once. I am told that my observations are based on what I expect to happen rather than what actually does happen...... Goodness me, I am not sure I can publish my reaction to that!
Needless to say I don't believe a word of it, I am sure the incident in which a very young eldest son, had a slice of cheesecake one sunday lunch time, he had eaten it very quickly before husband or myself had had a taste, I remember clearly discussing with my husband whether the cheesecake was sufficiently sweet enough for us to "See through time" In any case I am also sure that eldest sons sudden attempt to swing from the curtains or drive his sit and ride truck over my head as I relaxed on the sofa was not concocted in my imagination to satisfy my need to see an "expected behaviour pattern" !
It is possible that his reaction was due to "Fake" sugars rather than the real deal, I have noted since that products containing Aspartame have a particularly toxic effect on my sons brain.... There is also some evidence between ADHD and high sugar levels in diets, there is still a lot of research to go , but it may be that I do have a slightly skewed view on things if that is the case.
In any case, if your child is suffering from a sugar high here are my top tips for bringing them back down safely.
1) Give them more sugar.... What!!!! I can here you say and yet what you need to avoid is the crash.
So give them foods or drinks that still have a fairly high sugary content but that also contain fibre, proteins and healthy fats.
Such as a glass of protein rich milk with a cookie, healthy fruits or bread.
The aim here is to bring them down slowly, we are trying to maintain a sensible sugar level whilst reducing its effects over a period of time. The nutrients contained in milk, fruit and bread slow down the rate at which the sugar is broken down and released into the bloodstream. I have a whacky sense of humour and am not suggesting for a moment to give them more sweets......
2) Don't let them eat sugary treats on an empty stomach. Again this is because the nutrients and goodness contained in all the foods eaten as part of a balance meal slow down the rate at which the sugar is released into the bloodstream.
3) Take them outside for a long walk or play football in the park. It sounds so simple but if your child is bouncing from the walls and not really in control of themselves it might feel hard to take them out in public, but actually the freedom to run with no walls to bounce from will do them a huge amount of good (Whether they are high on sugar or not!)
4) If and when the do crash there are likely to be tears... ( I make no comment on who!!!!) try to remember they are only little and have feasted without thought for consequences they do not understand, if they have no concept of why they are left feeling how they do, you at least do, lots of huggles, cuddles and a mothers TLC repairs many things.
5) Early to bed.... not a popular one with the littlies but they need it, no doubt they will be exhausted after a busy day, and even if they are not YOU are !!!